Take the most fantastic large piece of Rib Steak and season it with this incredible seasoning and you have this wonderful Sharing Steak.
The Best Way to Cook?
Sear the Steak all over in a hot pan - so much so you blacken it - add some butter once seared and cook less aggressively for 5 - 10 minutes - then put it on a tray into a hot oven - give it between 10 and 30 minutes in the oven depending on how you want it cooked (we prefer nearer 10 than 30) - check the steak for firmness - soft and bouncy still rare - very firm well done - leave to rest for 10 minutes (important) - slice across the grain - serve - enjoy the awesome flavour of the best Scotch Beef combined with the seared delight of the seasoning! Awesome! Each Steak more than 20oz!
Collections: Burgers and Barbeque, Scotch Beef, The Shop Counter